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Life's too short for dull weekends, bad hotels and limited destinations. Australia is a BIG COUNTRY, get out there !

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Across Australia July 2012

Started holidays on Friday 13th July....Superstition posed no problem for me that day....I was heading to Western Australia by 3am that morning.

I was heading home for Family birthdays and celebrations and catch up time. It was my Mums 80th, my Daughters, Bro in laws and my elder Sisters birthdays all rolled into a few weeks.

With just 3 weeks off there wasn't going to be much time for sitting idle, so driving across the Nullabor was a trip of "goin like the clappers" to get to W.A. quickly. And quickly it was!

There was no time for pics along the way so the ones I have posted below are on my return trip which took 3 1/2 days.
I have to apologise for the clarity in the pics as they were taken with my old '98 vintage digital camera. Having shot some video as well it kinda filled my memory up, so a lot less piccies were taken. I'm still waiting for my Nikon D3100 to be placed in my hands :)

I enjoyed the trip a whole heap, but then I really do enjoy travelling the Nullabor. After as many times as I have done it of late it's become second nature. One day in the not too distant future I'll actually get to do it at leisure. And when that happens I'll finally fit in my shark cage diving @ Port Lincoln to boot !

                                                                            Blanket morning cloud....@ Balladonia
                                                                            W.A. - S.A. Border @ Border Village
                                                                                 Border Village - Da Big Roo !
                                                                                 Gt Aussie Bight...looking West
                                                                                  Gt Aussie Bight...beach area
                                                                   Gt Aussie Bight....300 metres off the highway !
                                                                  More of the beach @ The Bight...top spot to camp
                                                                         Anyone whose crossed gets this pic....lol
                                                                                    The BIG Cocky @ Kimba
                                                                     Eucla Pass heading into the WA / SA border

                                                                                      Cocklebiddy to Madura

                                                                                                 Madura Pass

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Road Trip To Hillston

Mondayitis?...Not for me today...I was up n at em bright and early for a road trip to a farm out near Hillston. In my haste I forgot my video camera but had my trusty 14 yr old digital camera so shot this video on the way. It's a bit rough n ready but gives you an idea of the "back" road to Hillston from Rankin Springs.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ANZAC DAY 25th April 2012

The ANZAC legend is many things to many people.

To me, it is also about the lesser known unsung hero rarely mentioned or even noticed.

They rolled up their sleeves and got stuck into the work normally done by the men. They kept house and fed n clothed the kids and they nursed their sick and injured men back to health on their return. And they did this with dignity, respect and without complaint.... It's just what they did. Aussie women of those times were the backbone of the Country.

The Anzac legend is very much alive and the spirit of Anzac lives inside you and me.

When a 10 year old gets up at 2am to go with her parents to a dawn service, hundreds of kilometres away, WITHOUT QUESTION, we know we have it right. Enough said !